
“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience -- well, that comes from poor judgment.” Cousin Woodman

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Frontal Lobe Polka

As Rod Stewart says, "Let me pour you a good long drink, ooh baby don't you hesitate, 'cause tonight's the night. . ." Specifically, it's the Throbbing Brains Finale, and it's gonna be alright. So, no updates or changes, sign-up at 7:30, thrills and spills commence at 8pm, Southpaw, 175 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn. For directions, click here. I couldn't excavate the pinata dress, but I think I've done it one better; I have a sparkly dark disco-serpent dress instead.

In other news, I added another New York Moment to my catalogue today: while I was waiting in a small crowd at Universal News for my coffee this morning, a concerned man rushed in looking distressed and asked the Counter Fuehrer if he'd seen his girlfriend yesterday. Although I've only recently been frequenting Universal News, I've seen this sort of inquiry several times before.

As the Counter Fuehrer is responding, he is still stuffing bags full of bagels and coffee and shouting orders to the sandwich guy, because the show must go on. He tells Concerned Man that yes, his girlfriend was in the day before. Concerned Man seems relieved, and then quickly explains (quite audibly to the quiet, impatient, shifty people waiting for their breakfast) that she was fired from her job yesterday, hasn't been home since, and a Missing Persons Report has been filed.

I noticed how much Universal News was like an iconic Law & Order set, and that this was a familiar L&O scene, despite the fact that the inquisitor was a non-cop. I thought about how happy my mom would be that I was having a Law & Order moment. Then, as the Concerned Man is finishing his "Missing Persons Report" sentence, a bombastic guy in the counter line starts trumpeting "You're slowing us down! You're slowing us down! You're slowing us down!" sounding like a belligerent car alarm.

Can you believe that some dude thought that his missing girlfriend who was just fired from her job might be important enough to risk marginally slowing down Bellicose Guy's coffee acquisition? The audacity on that schlub.


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