
“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience -- well, that comes from poor judgment.” Cousin Woodman

Friday, August 12, 2005

Sock-wearing Hippo Kills Time

I love wacky language overlap, especially when it's largely nonsensical. "Kill" means "stab" in Japanese. And hippopotamus is almost the same in Turkish, Kerem tells me it's pronounced "hippo-poe-TAH-moose." As mentioned before, I recently learned that a group of hippos is formally termed a "herd" or "bloat." I have no idea what the groups are in Turkish. Did you hear the one about the Peruvian woman who goes to a department store looking for socks? She asks the salesman repeatedly for calcetinas, and he's at a loss. He walks her through the whole store trying to help her find what she's looking for. Finally, they're in the sock section, and she points to the socks and exclaims, "Eso, si que es!" And he responds, "Well geez, if you knew how to spell it all along, why didn't you do that before?"


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