
“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience -- well, that comes from poor judgment.” Cousin Woodman

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Process Focused (Not Goal Oriented) Stabbing

I was talking with a friend about her recent experiences as a juror. Initially we discussed some of the hilarious regionalisms employed by the lawyers. (“At first I didn’t know what they were talking about when they kept saying ‘according to the lore.’ I was like, ‘What does folklore have to do with an assault case?’ Then they were talking about what witnesses sore, and I realized what was going on. Accents.”)

Then she told me that one of her fellow jurors was shocked to learn that all shootings and stabbings were considered attempted manslaughter. In this particular case the victim had been stabbed through the ribs and thereby had a lung collapse. Apparently, this juror opined that some people might be shooting or stabbing others just because they were angry, or solely with the intent to injure or scare them, and shouldn’t be treated the same way as people who definitely intended for their victims to die. At least we know he’s really reflecting on these issues.


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